Just four weeks before the Grafman Triathlon I was far from race ready, both mentally and physically.

It had been a tough base training period from December 2013 to May 2014 and the signs of over training had well and truly set into my body. I am a stubborn athlete and the fact that I was consistently tired and I was loosing the enthusiasm to train; was just 'putting up with the job'

I couldn't put up with it any longer and after a disappointing opening season race in Spain in which I DNF, I found myself asking a lot of questions about my future.

Onwards and upwards, I had a good recovery period where I indulged and didn't really train, no structure anyway until I felt I was ready to get my head down and focus again.

Three weeks before the Grafman Triathlon I started with the basics. I concentrated on building my endurance back up while balancing good recovery sessions. About 10 days before the race I started bringing intensity back in and was up to about 25hrs training a week which was good for me considering where I was just a few weeks before.

I wanted a good result and knew I could get a PB if I wanted and possibly get on the podium. For me though, the most important thing was to perform well and enjoy the race, anything else was a bonus.

My wife and I travelled up to Cambridgeshire on the Friday and the race was Sunday.

Race morning arrived and the usual pre race routine commenced.

SWIM - It was a run in start and a two lap course. I had a good swim, finding my rhythm quickly and trying to get with a pack that was holding a good pace. I exited the water in 29:18, a PB for 1.9k.

BIKE - Conditions were set for a good ride as the air temperature was slowly rising and a light breeze. The course was undulating in places but mainly flat. I had no heart rate or power meter to go off, just feel as I felt I needed to get rid of the gizmos on this occasion. I had a relatively good bike split competing the 90k course in 2:29:11. More importantly I enjoyed it which was a world away from where I was in May.

RUN - A quick T2 and off on the final 21k's. I was in relatively good running form and as I passed a number of athletes that had passed me on the bike course, it gave me the morale and confidence boost I needed. I continued passing more and more, never getting passed myself. It was a tough run on an undulating, mixed terrain course and the temperature was nearing 30 degrees. There were a couple unfortunate athletes who had collapsed due to the heat.

I crossed the finish line in 4:21:45, and a run split of 1:20:51. It was a middle distance PB and I loved every minute of it. Later as my wife Lauren, and I were relaxing with a couple of ice creams I found out that I came 2nd in my age group and 16th overall for the English Middle Distance Championship.

Since the race I have gone from strength to strength and feel I've rekindled the love, passion and desire to succeed in this sport.

Thank you to Lauren for showing her support and getting me through the bad times.

COMPRESSPORT UK & ZEROD UK, your awesome race gear is without a doubt some of the best there is and recommend it to anyone.

Cheers to the team at Rock and Road Ltd, you guys did a great job in getting the TT bike ready for the race.

My next race will be The Outlaw Triathlon, Nottingham on the 27 July.

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